Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blogging and Blogger versus Twitter

As this is not the first time that I'll be asked to write a blog, the experience is nothing new. It is a way to express your opinions and knowledge about certain matters of your own interest to others. In certain ways, you can reach out to people who share similar interests as well as read their thoughts about your opinions.

Now, for a slightly more in-depth look at Blogger.

Blogger is exceptionally easy to use. Using the templates that are provided, I found it intuitively easy to customize and add different elements to the page. It has a clear and precise graphical user interface and no real knowledge of HTML or any programming is needed at all to create a simple yet unique blog. It also allows for any HTML experts to create their own files and upload them or even host their own page on a different server/site. I'm a little rusty myself so I opted for the easiest option and used one of the templates. All in all, a fairly simple and user-friendly interface.

A great collection of blogs is available from It features many different blogs from developments in the different scientific and computing fields as well as areas of personal such as automobile development. Recently, I've read several blogs analyzing the performance and functions of the BETA version of Microsoft Windows 7 and some discussing possible security exploits and their prevention.

One the main topics of discussion today is Twitter and Blogger, how they compare and differ. At first glance both seem to be quite similar and in some aspects they can certainly be almost identical but the main driving force behind Twitter is the question "What are you doing?". This is the main focus for Twitter; to inform others about your current activities at that exact moment. You can do this on blogger as well but with blogs you usually want to share your thoughts and opinions rather than your actions. Twitter is probably better for social networking with people in and around your physical location while Blogger will be a better source for discussing/debating ideas and comments as well as networking with others around the world.

Would I personally continue writing a blog after this course? Probably not, since I'm not the type of person that likes random people reading my thoughts and opinions but I will probably still read other people's blogs.