Monday, February 23, 2009

RSS & Google Reader

The RSS reader offered as part of a Google account is quite simple to use. There are several ways to add feeds to the account. Two of which are directly accessible through the Google reader by using the add a subscription function located near the top left. By using this function you can add feeds using the exact feed URL or have Google search for specified feeds. Also, included with most pages that offer RSS feeds is a direct function on that page to add the feed to a specific program or type of account. The introductory tour and video are very simple and so is the interface for the reader which is makes it very intuitive and easy to use.

Since RSS feeds have been around for some time now, I have used them before but due several factors I have developed a lack of interest in its continued use.
1) Articles of personal interest are sometimes quickly flooded down the list and become harder to find on popular feeds.
2) Just too much information. The search function doesn't really help filter the articles you want to read from those you don't want to read.
3) Sometimes by visiting the actual website you can find certain unexpected yet interesting articles that aren't included in the RSS feed.

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